onsdag 27 oktober 2010

Dubonnet on ice

Drack Dubonnet on ice för första gången igår när vi spelade på Tranan, det var gott! Så här tycker Lou Reed om det:

Feeling a little overconfident by now, I dare to suggest to Reed that there is one line in Berlin that dates it - the third line of the album: "Candlelight and Dubonnet on ice." When was the last time he drank, or even heard of, the spicy aperitif Dubonnet?

He flashes his eyes at me, then relaxes and says: "I would see these ads on the back of fancy magazines for Dubonnet on ice, and it sounded so expensive and had a nice ring to it. But I've never been near it."

Utdrag ur en intervju med Lou Reed i The Guardian

1 kommentar:

  1. alltså jag dör, du är så himla snygg! snyggaste kvinnan i sverige! är så glad för att din blogg finns, går in flera gånger i veckan och bara suger in mig inspiration! kramar!
